Landscaping Design on the Main Line

Serving the Main Line, Suburban Philadelphia and Tri-State area

May 19, 2015
by aardweglandscaping
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Backyard Landscaping Trends for Main Line Homes


Popular landscaping trends for Main Line homes

Multitudes of people are spending more and more time in their backyards with family and friends, extending their living/hospitality space to include the open air. Because of this, increasing numbers of Main Line residents in communities like Bryn Mawr, Devon, and Frazer are realizing how delightful a well-landscaped yard can be, for both relaxing and entertaining. Much like trends in diet, clothing and technology, many backyard landscaping trends have gained momentum with outdoor lovers and homeowners alike.

The latest popular backyard landscaping trends:

Going back to nature – This backyard landscaping trend encompasses a variety of concepts. Quite notable is the prominence of small flocks of chickens for fresh eggs, or other small animals that bring both joy and usefulness to the home and landscape. Also, with the statistical research showing the decline of beneficial insects in our country, planting pollinator-friendly flower gardens designed to attract bees and butterflies have become wildly popular. These not only bring a charming beauty to backyards across Main Line communities such as Bryn Mawr, Devon, and Frazer, but also provide much-needed nectar for the declining pollinator population.

Gardening with art – There are really endless possibilities which might bring a freshly creative look to a garden. Viewing your yard as a personal masterpiece in the making helps inspire ideas to take it from boring to exciting!

Traditional Backyard Landscape by Newtown Square Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers Aardweg Landscaping

Landscaping with edibles – Wouldn’t it make the most sense to beautify your garden with multipurpose plants? Edible landscaping is a very fashionable backyard landscaping trend, where food is incorporated into the landscape for both beautiful and functional benefits. How can you lose there?

Backyard landscaping expands indoor hospitality space to outdoors

Appreciating the imperfect – It is a gift to have the ability to find beauty in imperfections or irregularities, such as when you recycle some worn but interesting, perhaps antique, piece into something new and interesting for your landscape. It gives the landscape a human feel. Simply complex, imperfectly charming.

Getting rid of the lawn to expand the landscaped area – While this may be considered a variety of the low-maintenance approach, an unbiased look reveals the truth–that lush lawns of beautifully manicured grass require a lot of work and expense. Could you imagine your lawn as… well, not a lawn, but something perhaps more interesting and significantly less demanding?

Low-maintenance Sustainable Landscaped Garden

One of the most popular of today’s landscaping trends is the low-maintenance sustainable landscaped garden. says, “Low-maintenance gardens, drought-tolerant plants and less turfgrass have become the norm in landscape design. Homeowners now assume sustainable design will be a major part of the plan — both for economic and environmental reasons.” Which of these trends do you favor?  Some landscape trends are popular because they cost less to design and install, while others offer environmental advantages.

Main Line landscape design, installation and maintenance company Aardweg Landscaping of Newtown Square, PA was recently Remodeling and Home Designrecognized with the “Best Of Houzz” 2015 award for Customer Satisfaction by Houzz. Are you a Main Line Philadelphia resident with a Bryn Mawr, Devon, or Frazer address interested in hearing more about backyard landscaping ideas from a full-service landscape company such as Aardweg Landscaping? To schedule a complimentary on-site consultation, call Aardweg Landscaping at 610-355-0703, or send an email using the website Contact Form.


May 14, 2015
by aardweglandscaping
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Popular Perennials for Your Philadelphia Home Garden

If you’re interested in adding a variety of sizes, colors and fragrances to your garden, create a landscape design featuring perennials. The perennial garden is a wise landscaping investment and easy to maintain, as perennials naturally flourish year after year in the Philadelphia home garden. Available in various sizes from low-growing to tall perennials, most garden lovers select perennials for color, as they are available in almost every conceivable shade. They are also easy to plant, require light watering and do well in hearty soil.


Popular Perennials in the Philadelphia Home Garden

According to, “Perennial plants are the backbone of nearly every flower garden. Unlike annual plants, which must be replanted each spring, herbaceous perennials die to the ground at the end of the season, and then grow again from the same roots the following year.”

With so many different species and cultivars of perennial flowers to choose from, you may be wondering which perennial plants are ideal for the Philadelphia home garden?

Aardweg-Landscaping-Perennials-Philadelphia-Garden-CoreopsisCoreopsis is a wonder plant, blooming profusely for most of the growing season – even under extreme conditions and with little care. While this charming bloomer used to bring primarily yellows to the garden palette, modern cultivars have diversified the color range extensively. A side bonus is the entourage of butterflies that seem to appreciate the vibrant hues as well.

hemerocallis fulvaHemerocallis, more commonly known as daylilies, is actually not a true lily. Despite the apparent deception, these are truly regal additions to any landscape, offering both beautiful floral and foliage enhancements. This plant is a vigorous grower, adjusting quickly to its growing conditions and thriving admirably through neglect and harsh conditions as if indifferent to any obstacle in its colorful calling.

No garden plant evokes such mystery and romance as the rose. With its heady fragrance and exquisite blooms, it is considered the top perennial choice for many gardeners! We could go on and on, as there are so many perennials plants to consider for your garden, popular in such communities as Ardmore, Bala Cynwyd and Berwyn. Whether you choose hardy geraniums, Echinacea, ornamental grasses, salvia, hyssops, buddleia or a myriad of other selections, hardy perennials are guaranteed to Aardweg-Landscaping-Perennials-Philadelphia-Garden-1shine like stars in your garden!

English actress Penelope Keith once said, “I am a great believer in planting things for future generations. I loathe the now culture where you just live for today.” And few landscaping plants are so generous as perennials, gems of the garden design that give so freely over a long life-span. They definitely operate with a generational mindset, for after they have at last bloomed out, many perennials leave behind an impressive progeny to continue the colorful legacy – they are perfect perennials for your landscaped Philadelphia garden.


In business for over 35-years, full-service landscape design company Aardweg Landscaping of Newtown Square, PA was recognized Remodeling and Home Designwith the “Best Of Houzz” 2015 Award for Customer Satisfaction by Houzz, the leading platform for home remodeling and design.

Satisfied customer Richard L. of West Chester PA said, “We met with 2 local landscape design companies and were not sure that we were speaking the same language. Steve Aardweg of Aardweg Landscaping “got us” and we felt confident that he would give us what we hoped for – a great new living space in the back. The photo imaging that he did of the area allowed us a clear idea of where we were going and was so helpful. The end product really is special. We look forward to having them do the front next year. Thanks Steve and crew.”

Are you interested in learning more about popular perennial garden plants for your Main Line or Philadelphia home garden? Aardweg Landscaping is pleased to provide on-site consultations at homes in communities throughout the metro Philadelphia area, including communities such as Ardmore, Bala Cynwyd and Berwyn. To schedule a consultation, call Aardweg Landscaping at 610-355-0703, or send an email using the website contact form.


May 8, 2015
by aardweglandscaping
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Aardweg Landscaping Designs Japanese, Formal & Cottage Gardens

Aardweg Landscaping specializes in a wide variety of garden themes and styles to satisfy the most fastidious of tastes. They design many types of garden styles to complement the lovely homes found on the Philadelphia Main Line, including:

Aardweg Landscaping Spring Garden Cleaning & Maintenance

Lovely Main Line ranch surrounded by a naturalized and informal garden design.

  • The formal garden – This beautiful, classical style is refined, structured and orderly, and is characterized by traditionally strong use of linear walks and borders, easily maintained evergreens, shrubs and trees, with artistic placement of focal points and container plantings.
  • The casual, cottage or natural garden – This style is defined by low maintenance plantings of grasses and colorful and native plants, softly curved pathways, and the liberal employment of water features and natural hardscaping materials.
  • The Japanese garden – This style makes use of balance and harmonious surroundings, and encompasses the gamut from very simple rock and greenery designs to more intricate ones that incorporate styled plants and soothing water sounds.

Not only are these landscape design plans exquisite and trendsetting, Aardweg also strives to make them as practical and low maintenance as possible.  And, Aardweg Landscaping designs Japanese, formal and cottage gardens to match a wide array of residential architectural styles.  You may wonder how you should go about determining which garden style matches the architectural style of your home.

Front Yard Landscaping Ideas for Your Main Line Philadelphia HomeHere’s the clue, if your home is a traditional Colonial, or a two story classically designed and symmetrically balanced home – your garden style is formal. If your home is contemporary or modern in style, and has simple, clean lines, your preferred garden style may be formal as well. Other, more eclectic architectural styles, such as a meandering one-story ranch, or a Prairie style cottage, would be less formal.

Whatever your preferred garden style, Aardweg offers a design to meet, yes, and exceed, your expectations – from formal to Japanese (and everything between), they have you covered!

Beautiful, intriguing designs, excellent customer service and affordable options, all in one place. What’s not to love?

Aardweg Landscaping Main Line Formal Garden

Formal gardens surround a symmetrical and elegant Radnor, Pennsylvania home.

Nelson Boswell noted, “Here is a simple but powerful rule: always give people more than what they expect to get.” At Aardweg Landscaping, that is precisely what you can expect to get. For over thirty years, this Main Line, Tri-State and suburban Philadelphia company has consistently impressed audiences with its innovative, passionate and professional approach to landscaping.

Signature Aardweg designs, installations and renovations have beautified the yards and gardens of many a satisfied Main Line customer. Aardweg Landscaping designs Japanese, formal and cottage gardens. The Aardweg staff is widely recognized for both its outstanding customer service, and its trustworthy work ethic. Noted also for quality craftsmanship, comprehensive plant knowledge and affordable payment plans, Aardweg Landscaping desires to meet and exceed the expectations of garden enthusiasts who desire to make their dream garden a reality.Japanese

Early in 2015, Aardweg Landscaping of Newtown Square, PA was Remodeling and Home Designawarded the “Best Of Houzz” 2015 award for Customer Satisfaction by Houzz, the leading platform for home remodeling and design. Are you interested in adding a formal or informal garden to your Main Line residence? To schedule a complimentary on-site consultation, call Aardweg Landscaping at 610-355-0703, or send an email using the website Contact form.

April 30, 2015
by aardweglandscaping
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Is Yours a Therapeutic Garden Landscaped for Relaxation?

Aardweg Landscaping Philadelphia Main Line Design Installation“True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.” So said William Penn, perhaps as he was overlooking the quiet wilderness of hills and trees that then comprised the whole of Pennsylvania. But how can one even hope to find this reflective and restorative silence in our modern world, when noise and technology and busyness and an increasingly faster pace of life all jostle together to keep our minds in disharmony?

Enter the therapeutic garden design for home landscapes in Philadelphia communities. This is the perfect solution for a peaceful getaway at home! Rather than dreaming forever about an elusive getaway to find desired rejuvenation, one can have access to his own personal healing space, within the comfort of his own back yard! According to the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), “The potential for landscapes to become an important element in health care delivery may rest on the definition of the therapeutic garden, and its distinction from other garden types—healing, meditation, contemplation, and restorative. When differences are examined, it becomes clear that the complexities of and collaboration required for the design of therapeutic gardens demands a level of professionalism that is the rightful territory of the landscape architect.”

Therapeutic Landscape by Aardweg Landscaping

What is a therapeutic garden? The therapeutic garden is an outdoor garden
  • that has been carefully designed to meet the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of the garden occupant
  • that is intended to soothe the senses, where the beauties of nature are tastefully presented to deliver an unstudied, cohesive feel.
  • where the mind is not jarred by discordant noises or designs.
  • features nature rooms, soft grasses, and water noises, all combined to harness the powers of nature in healing both the mind and the body.
Landscaping and Hardscaping for Storm Water Control in the Main Line Garden

Landscaping for Relaxation in the Main Line Garden

Is yours a therapeutic garden landscaped for relaxation? When our minds are whirling further and further from precious moments of much-needed peace and rest, is there a place you can go, a therapeutic garden space where you can retreat from the world, a little oasis in which to find refreshment, peace, silence and healing? With a minimum of space, you can create a peaceful sanctuary to enjoy.  Landscaped gardens can provide this type of tranquil setting offering the beauty to sooth the senses.

Main Line landscape design, installation and maintenance company Aardweg Landscaping of Newtown Square, PA was recently Remodeling and Home Designrecognized with the “Best Of Houzz” 2015 award for Customer Satisfaction by Houzz. As a full-service landscape company, Aardweg Landscaping has the design expertise, plant knowledge, and quality workmanship necessary to establish and maintain a reputation for superior customer service. To schedule a complimentary on-site consultation, call Aardweg Landscaping at 610-355-0703, or send an email using the website Contact form.

April 28, 2015
by aardweglandscaping
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Best of Houzz for Main Line Philadelphia Aardweg Landscaping

2015 Best of Houzz for Customer ServiceHenry Ford once said, “Quality is doing it right when no one is looking.” Nowhere does this ring more true than in the area of customer service. Exceptional professional-to-customer interaction, as well as great performance, distinguishes the men from the boys – especially in the world of landscaping design and installation. According to Houzz, Main Line, suburban Philadelphia and Tri-State area homeowners don’t have to settle for mediocre service. Aardweg Landscaping has been honored with the “Best of Houzz Award in 2015” for outstanding customer service and professional standards.

Aardweg Landscaping has been a leading full-service landscape provider in the Philadelphia area for thirty-five years, specializing in both large and small scale landscaping projects, offering a significant diversity of garden themes to inspire the homeowner.

Formal garden design by Aardweg Landscaping

Formal garden design by Aardweg Landscaping

Steve Aardweg, of Aardweg Landscaping believes the client should be completely satisfied with every facet of the encounter, both professionally and personally. This means the client has a voice in his landscape design and material selections, a voice that is heard with respect. Simultaneously, the client has access to all the professional expertise available to make his dream garden a reality in Main Line communities such as Villanova, Rosemont and Lower Merion.

Satisfied customers Dr. Alan and Marcy G. of Villanova, PA said, “Aardweg Landscaping gave us the pros and cons of our options, and provided us with clear ideas of where and how to go. Our garden looks wonderful!”

Main Line, PA resident John Early said, “Steve Aardweg of Aardweg Landscaping showed tremendous artistry with the plants he installed for me, arranging them with an eye for color and texture and how the overall effect will look (not only how the plants look today but especially in the future as they become established and mature). He was attentive not only to the important details of amending the soil and installing the right drip irrigation and situating each plant in the optimal location, and all the other technical pieces that make for a good installation, but throughout the project he kept the big picture in mind and seemed to know always what he was aiming for, and he hit that target square on.”

Steve Aardweg of Aardweg Landscaping discussing the proposed design

Steve Aardweg discussing the proposed design

If you are a homeowner in the Main Line vicinity and are considering having yard and landscape renovation completed, don’t settle for anything less than the best. Who wants to deal with poor customer service, regardless of how great the final landscaping product might be? Work with landscape professionals who are known to excel at customer service, such as Aardweg Landscaping.

Aardweg Landscaping has once again received the Houzz Award for outstanding customer service and has a substantial following of customers who are thrilled with the wonderful results. So give them a call and prepare for a great experience yourself!

Main Line landscape design, installation and maintenance company Aardweg Landscaping of Newtown Square, PA was recently recognized with Remodeling and Home Designthe “Best Of Houzz” 2015 award for Customer Satisfaction by Houzz. As a full-service landscape company, Aardweg Landscaping has the design expertise, plant knowledge, and quality workmanship necessary to establish and maintain a reputation for superior customer service. To schedule a complimentary on-site consultation, call Aardweg Landscaping at 610-355-0703, or send an email using the website contact form.

April 18, 2015
by aardweglandscaping
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Latest Trends in Outdoor Lighting for Outdoor Living

Sunbeams_Morguefile“So extravagant is Nature with her choicest treasures, spending plant beauty as she spends sunshine, pouring it forth into land and sea, garden and desert…” Perhaps you concur with naturalist John Muir in his poetic appreciation of the lavish beauty of creation, especially where it concerns your own finely landscaped lawn and garden. But what about when the sun sets? Are the enjoyments of your garden to be so easily quenched?

Well, that’s when Nature could use a little help from outdoor lighting features which bring a fuller, more enriching experience of your landscape and garden, even “after hours.”

Some of the latest fixture trends in outdoor lighting for outdoor living include wall lighting, post lighting, flush-mount lighting, pendant lighting, floor lamps, security/motion lighting and ceiling fan lights of varying shapes and styles. Lamp choices range from LED lamps to solar powered lighting, both energy efficient and able to provide long lasting enjoyment. These attractive lighting options are designed to take your outdoor living space to the next level of sophistication.

LED Railing Light Kits for DesignRail Railing (Feeney, Inc.)

LED Railing Light Kits for DesignRail Railing (Feeney, Inc.)

Especially beautiful are the increasingly popular LED deck railing lighting options, which are perfect enhancements for your outdoor living space. Whether you are relaxing with family or entertaining guests, LED railing lights transform your outdoor space while providing extra light for safety at decks and stairs. LED deck railing lighting options offer:

  • Long lasting performance of up to 50,000 lighting hours
  • Exceptional quality and durable weatherproof materials
  • Proportional distribution of light for consistent appearance, available for installation to the top and/or bottom deck rail
  • Optional remote control to regulate brightness

When illuminating focal points and garden pathways; or when you simply desire to bring a soft ambiance to your landscaped garden, consider low voltage garden path lighting. The LED light bulb offers substantial energy savings, consistent light quality over the life of the bulb, and produces a warm white light similar to incandescent and halogen lights.

Don’t let a little darkness keep you from your garden, regardless of the time of day. Extend your garden’s entertaining potential with the inclusion of outdoor lighting features in your landscape.


Main Line landscape design, installation and maintenance company Aardweg Landscaping of Newtown Square, PA was recently Remodeling and Home Designrecognized with the “Best Of Houzz” 2015 award for Customer Satisfaction by Houzz. As a full-service landscape company, Aardweg Landscaping has the design expertise, plant knowledge, and quality workmanship necessary to establish and maintain a reputation for superior customer service. To schedule a complimentary on-site consultation, call Aardweg Landscaping at 610-355-0703, or send an email using the website Contact Form.


Additional resources for your reference:

Landscaping Design on the Main Line