Landscaping Design on the Main Line

Serving the Main Line, Suburban Philadelphia and Tri-State area


November 16, 2011
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Garden Retaining Walls Correct Storm Erosion Damage in Main Line and Suburban Philadelphia Communities

Recent storms in southeastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey and northern Delaware  have left many homeowners with storm damage and soil erosion repair needs. A primary method for controlling storm water flow, and at the same time adding a beautiful front yard or back yard design element, is to construct a strategically located retaining wall.

Retaining walls are used to modify the contour of the property to control storm water flow and stop erosion damage, while adding beauty and value to your proaardweglandscapingretaingwallspreventstormdamagemainlinephiladelphiaperty.  New garden retaining walls and other landscaping techniques,  solve storm water damage and erosion control issues in Main Line and suburban Philadelphia communities.

Aardweg Landscaping has more than 35 years of professional experience in designing, building and maintaining landscaped properties along the Mainline and in suburban Philadelphia, including in the communities of Tredyffrin, Eastown, and Willistown. Our trained professionals are available to visit with you and evaluate your current storm damage, erosion or garden design problems. We offer a wide range of solutions to drainage issues, including:

  • Regrading to Establish New Storm Water Runoff Paths
  • Underground Piping, and French Drains
  • Retaining Wall Construction
  • Construction of New Garden Areas
  • Hillside Garden Planting Ideas
  • Front and Backyard Drainage Plans

At Aardweg Landscaping, we provide expert advice and budget estimate information to enable you to formulate a plan to reestablish proper drainage flow and protect your landscaped garden areas.

Contact Aardweg design professional Stephen T Aardweg, APLD for a free consultation.  Certified by the Association of Professional Landscape Designers, Steve  Aardweg is your local expert for solutions to solve storm water damage and erosion control problems for Tredyffrin, Eastown, and Willistown and Main Line, Philadelphia area homeowners.

Looking forward to the The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s 2012 Philadelphia International Flower Show “Hawaii – Islands of Aloha”, scheduled for March 4 to March 11, 2012 ? Tredyffrin, Eastown, Willistown residents will find plenty of DIY garden ideas at the Flower Show at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. The 2011 show was a grand success. 2011 exhibits included the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) exhibit entitled ‘Underground Paris’  and described as follows from the 2011 Flower Show exhibitor information page:

“Far below the bustling streets of Paris winds a maze of tunnels and abandoned quarries. This subterranean space is now home to urban culture and creativity, including art, music and writing. Take a journey through the historic catacombs, and be transported underground to a floral wonderland, with themes from the actual Parisian tunnels serving as inspiring backdrops, and the art installations recreated en fleur.”

Mark your calendars for the October 29–November 20, 2011 Chrysanthemum Festival at Longwood Gardens. Highlights include more than 20,000 glorious, blooming chrysanthemums shown in the Conservatory. Experts from Longwood Gardens have trained chrysanthemums into unique forms including an exquisite multi-grafted mum with more than one hundred flower varieties  grafted in to one plant! From the website:

”Topiary forms, including butterflies, spirals and our largest thousand bloom chrysanthemum ever, with 991 blooms, adorn the Conservatory. Find out more about Longwood’s largest-ever thousand bloom chrysanthemum.”


September 14, 2011
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Swarthmore’s Scott Arboretum Co-Sponsors the Annual Perennial Plant Conference ~ October 14, 2011

For more than 25 years, the Scott Arboretum at Swarthmore College has sponsored the annual Perennial Plant Conference. This year’s conference is scheduled for Friday, October 14, 8 am to 5 pm at the Lang Performing Arts Center. The event will be co-sponsored by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Longwood Gardens, Hardy Plant Society/Mid-Atlantic Chapter, and  Chanticleer.

The day long educational conference spotlights lectures by perennial experts on a wide range of subjects, including a review of specific genera of perennial plants; how to use perennial plants in the landscape; and practical issues such as pest and disease management. The specific focus of this year’s conference will be: ‘Shade Perennials: Gems Of The Forest Floor’; and ‘How Our Gardens Change Over Time’.

Conference attendees will have opportunity to observe perennials in a wide variety of gardens and landscapes on the Swarthmore College campus, considered to be “the most beautiful campus in America.” The Conference awards 5 credit hours for American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) members, or 4.75 CEU for Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD).

For online registration, visit here. Included in the registration packet is a complimentary weekend admission pass to Chanticleer and Longwood Gardens of Kennett Square, the weekend following the conference. For more information, call Longwood Gardens at (610) 388-1000 x507 or visit the Longwood Gardens website.

The list of speakers noted on  the Perennial Plant Conference website, is as follows:

Roy Diblik is the co-owner of Northwind Perennial Farm, Burlington, Wisconsin and author of Small Perennial Gardens:The Know Maintenance Approach.

Sydney Eddison has written seven gardening books, most recently Gardening for a Lifetime: How to Garden Wiser as you Grow Older. She writes for Fine Gardening and other publications, and is a popular lecturer.

Fergus Garrett is Head Gardener and CEO at Great Dixter, East Sussex, United Kingdom, where he has worked since 1992.

Nan Sinton is a landscape designer, horticultural educator and consultant.

Gregg Tepper is the Woods Path Horticulturist at Mt. Cuba Center in Delaware.

Aardweg Landscaping, of Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, has been designing and installing perrenial gardens in the Main Line and suburban Philadelphia for more than 35 years. Perennials annually offer  incomparable garden drama and color, as they come up each spring and perform in a way that no other plant group can match. Aardweg Landscaping specializes in perennial garden composition, creating a succession of bloom with changes in line, form and texture. For more information about Aardweg Landscaping, please call 610-355-0703 or visit the Aardweg Landscaping Website.


September 9, 2011
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Main Line Residential Garden Restoration ~~ The Philadelphia Horticultural Society Fall Garden Festival

aardweg-landscaping-villanova-lower-merion-rosemontAardweg Landscaping has been creating stunning and unique residential landscapes along the Main Line, and in suburban Philadelphia, and southern New Jersey for over 35 years. When originally designed and installed, the landscaped home garden grows into a beautiful, well-scaled and balanced garden. Over time, we often see our landscapes become over grown or too dense or lacking scale and layering. The original intent and aesthetic objectives can become obscured in the overgrowth.

Garden restoration is one of the focal points of the work completed by Aardweg Landscaping in Main Line communities such as Villanova, Rosemont, and Lower Merion.  We provide the creativity and inspiration needed to transform your overgrown residential landscape into a source of pleasure and pride. Our complimentary on-site consultation provides the opportunity for us to gather the history of the garden; and to understand and evaluate the original design intentions in the garden. We also establish the following important information:

  • Survey and inventory all plants;
  • Identify the plants to retain;
  • Identify the new plants and design elements;
  • Evaluate the existing and proposed hardscapes.

As a certified member of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers, Stephen T. Aardweg utilizes only the finest materials and methods of installation and maintenance, to provide you with the beauty you desire to see in your landscaped Villanova, Rosemont, and Lower Merion garden. For premium Philadelphia landscape design services including softscape and hardscape design, installation and maintenance, contact Aardweg Landscaping today at 610-355-0703.perennial-gardens-aardweg-landscaping-mainline-philadelphia

Plan ahead to attend the PHS Fall Garden Festival sponsored by The Philadelphia Horticultural Society. It will be  on Saturday, September 24, 2011, from 11:00am – 4:00pm. The event will take place at the Philadelphia Navy Yard and is free to everyone. The following events are included: PHS Plant Dividend, Navy Yard Tours, Flower Show Shoppe, Green Stop & Gardener’s Studio, Judged Classes, and the Tree Sale.


Magnolia at the PHS Fall Garden Festival Tree Sale

Of particular interest to Main Line and suburban Philadelphia garden landscape enthusiasts will be the Green Stop & Gardener’s Studio. Quoting from PHS Fall Garden Festival site, “ The PHS Green Stop is an educational area of the festival that will feature information stations for green organizations. These organizations will be on site to answer questions on the many ways to create a greener lifestyle, business, home, and community. The Gardener’s Studio will offer lectures throughout the day.”

Subjects will include:

  • 10:00-11:00 am      Tree Care 101
  • 11:00-12:00 pm      Winterizing the Tropical Garden
  • 12:00-1:00 pm         Flower Power – Arranging Fresh Flowers
  • 1:00-2:00 pm           Your Fall Vegetable Garden

For more information about the PHS Fall Garden Festival sponsored by The Philadelphia Horticultural Society, visit the website or by telephone at 215-988-8800.

September 1, 2011
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Looking For Landscaping Ideas? Visit the Southeast Pennsylvania Fall Home & Garden Show

Are you looking for landscaping ideas? Main Line and suburban Philadelphia homeowners interested in home and garden design and landscaping ideas, should be sure to attend the Southeast Pennsylvania Fall Home & Garden Show. The dates are October 7th through 9th at the Greater Reading Reading Expo Center, located less than an hour northwest of the Radnor, St. Davids or Valley Forge areas.

Visit the show to see beautiful gardens and landscapes; the latest kitchen and bath counter-top, cabinet, and flooring trends; and a complete array of home improvement products such as windows, doors, sunrooms, pools and spas. Meet local home builders from the Home Builders Association of Berks County.

Visitors from the Main Line and Suburban Philadelphia region of southeastern Pennsylvania attend the annual SEPA Show to enjoy complimentary wine tastings, cooking demonstrations, DIY seminars, artwork and gift shops. The hours of the show are Friday, 2:00PM to 7:00PM, Saturday 10:00AM to7:00PM and Sunday, 11:00AM to 5:00PM.

One of the show attractions will be celebrity Roger Hazard from A&E’s “Sell This House’. The SEPA website provides the following commentary about Roger’s presentation:

“Roger will teach you his creative techniques for making your home more beautiful and functional, quickly and inexpensively. In addition, he will provide a sneak peak of his latest design projects and give a behind-the-scenes look at the making of “Sell This House”. Bring your home decor questions to get live insight and tips from the fastest, most results-oriented designer on TV. … Roger is inspired by his first real passion: gardening.

His eye for design is fueled by his love of light, color, texture, and form. Roger’s motto? “Keep it clean.” Growing up in Texas, Roger was always inspired by bigger and better. After studying environmental design and landscape architecture at Texas A&M University, he started his own landscaping company. He designed, plotted, and grew some of the most tasteful gardens in Houston.”

If you are a Radnor, St. Davids or Valley Forge homeowner interested in front yard or back yard garden design, or landscaping ideas – contact Aardweg Landscaping. The principal inreadinglandscapehome&gardenaardweglandscaping the firm, Stephen T. Aardweg, is certified by the Association of Professional Landscape Designers. Aardweg Landscaping has provided reasonably priced professional landscaping design, installation and maintenance services to the Main Line and Suburban Philadelphia region of southeastern Pennsylvania for over 35 years.

Contact Aardweg Landscaping by visiting the website or calling 610-355-0703.

Photos and quote from The Reading Home & Garden Show

August 26, 2011
by aardweglandscaping
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Storm Water Damage and Erosion Repair by Aardweg Landscaping in Main Line Philadelphia

Are you experiencing storm water damage or other drainage or erosion control problems at your Wynnewood, Merion Station, or Narberth Main Line, Philadelphia property? With over 35 years of experience in solving residential drainage and storm water damage problems, Aardweg Landscaping of Newtown Square offers reasonably priced design and repair services for the following common drainage issues:

Storm Water Runoff Damage Repair
Light Grading for Swale, Terrace and Berm Construction
French Drains and Underground Piping
Retaining Wall Construction
Erosion Control on Sloped Residential Properties

Storm water damage and erosion control problems are first addressed by light grading to add carefully located swales, terraces or berms directing runoff away from the home and toward underground piping, French drains or public storm water facilities.  Grading may be required to repair retaining walls damaged by water build up behind the wall, or large amounts of water running over the wall.

New retaining walls are carefully designed with drainage piping behind the wall, and strategically located to direct water toward appropriate drainage areas. Retaining walls and associated landscape plants and shrubs add beauty to your Wynnewood, Merion Station, or Narberth Main Line, Philadelphia estate; while also functioning as central elements in creating storm water flow paths acstorm-drainageaardweglandscapingwynnewoodmerionstationnarberthmainlinephiladelphiaross your property.

Contact Aardweg design professional Stephen T Aardweg, APLD for a free consultation to make a careful assessment of the storm water runoff landscape damage and drainage issues.  One of a small number of Main Line Philadelphia landscape designers certified by the Association of Professional Landscape Designers, Steve Aardweg has extensive experience in solving storm water damage and erosion control problems for Wynnewood, Merion Station, and Narberth Main Line, Philadelphia area homeowners.

To schedule your free consultation, contact Aardweg Landscaping at 610-355-0703.


The Barnes Arboretum, Merion, Pennsylvania

Visitors to Merion Station, Pennsylvania can look forward to the reopening of  The Arboretum of the Barnes Foundation in the spring of 2012. Quoting from ‘Arboretum‘, “Extensive collections of species and varieties that are extremely significant as genetic resources and as conservation materials such as Lilacs, Peonies, Magnolias, Crab apples, Rhododendrons, Stewartias, etc. make this Arboretum invaluable among other public gardens.” Containing many rare and mature plants uncommon to the region, the Arboretum also has formal rose and perennial gardens. Persons interested in volunteering to work in the gardens, may call 610.667.0290.

Photo Sources: Aardweg Landscaping and Barry Dodge


August 18, 2011
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Professional Landscaping — A Good Investment in Your Main Line Philadelphia Home

perennialgardensaardweglandscapingmainlinephiladelphiamalvernpaoliedgementProfessional landscape planning and installation is a wise investment in your Main Line Philadelphia, Malvern, Paoli, or Edgemont home. Experts estimate the value of a home with well designed and mature landscaping to be as much as 10% higher than a comparable home without professional landscaping. The value of the landscape investment increases over time as your trees, shrubs and plants mature and grow.

Aardweg Landscaping of Newtown Square offers complete landscaping design, installation and maintenance services to Main Line Philadelphia, Malvern, Paoli, and Edgemont homeowners.

aardweglandscapingmainlinepennsylvaniamalvernpaoliedgemont Adding an outdoor kitchen, stone patio or pond will enhance your landscape and raise the home value. Once you’ve invested in a professional landscape master plan, and completed the installation, consider engaging Aardweg Landscaping for professional landscape maintenance services to protect your investment, ensuring the loveliness and permanence of your landscaped property and gardens through the seasons.

Under the supervision of Steve Aardweg, APLD, our professionally trained landscape maintenance crews perform pruning, trimming and cleaning services. Our crews are available for regularly scheduled services, or periodic one-time visits. We will oversee the controlled growth of your garden, and recommend seasonal enhancements as we see the need or opportunity during the year.

We offer year-round landscape management services at a fair and competitive price. With over 30 years of experience providing southeastern Pennsylvania and Main Line Philadelphia area homeowners landscaping design, installation and maintenance selongwoodgardenskennettsquareaardweglandscapingphiladelphiadesignservicesrvices – we have built a solid reputation of reliability and value. Contact Aardweg Landscaping today at 610-355-0703 for a free consultation and estimate for landscaping design and maintenance services for your property.

Have you visited Longwood Gardens yet this summer? Keep in mind, the last ‘Fireworks and Fountains 2011’ show will begin at 8:15 on Saturday, September 3, 2011. The “Summer Pops” program will feature the music of Leroy Anderson, including song favorites, ‘Blue Tango’, ‘The Syncopated Clock’, ‘Promenade’, ‘Sleigh Ride’ and the finale, ‘Home Stretch’. For more information visit the Longwood Gardens events page.

Photo Sources: Aardweg Landscaping and Longwood Gardens

Landscaping Design on the Main Line